If you would like to create a new Profile Property, click on "Profile Property" under "Settings"!
By filling out "Name" field, you can easily set the name of the new Profile Property.
In the "Type" field we can choose the conditions that we would like to use for targeting people:
- Referrer: Elimination users from search engines or social sites (Google, Facebook etc)
- Url: After arrival, continues its way on any url
- Referrer+url: Elimination users from search engines or social sites who continues its way on any url
- Event: Pre-defined event, the url address not changes, for example watches a video or add something to cart.
- Input field usage: Checks if the input form is filled out.
- Input field name+ value: User pastes any values in the pre-defined fields.
"Has value" field could be filled out with the testable (Referrer and url settings) url addresses.
For saving the changes, click on "Save"!